“I think it’s time that I explore more of Anne Bishop’s books and continue reading her other series too.”
~ Under the Covers

ETCHED IN BONE is the fifth book in the Others series by Anne Bishop. This series is definitely one to read in order as Bishop does little or no recap of past events. In this book, we pick up essentially where the other books have left off.

For me, the thing that I was most excited about was Simon and Meg. Of course. I think most of the readers who are still reading this series want to see something happen between them. Bishop takes her sweet time building this romance, but instead of feeling frustrated by the wait, I actually don’t mind the course Bishop is taking. Obviously this is an Urban Fantasy series so there’s not much romance to begin with, but I also find that Bishop’s style is more subtle when it comes to chemistry. It’s the small glances and the passing touches that create anticipation and there’s definitely more of that here. I suspect that if there is any romance that will happen between Simon and Meg, it will be a slow burn because that’s how it has been so far.

Again, some interesting things are happening in this series. I like where Bishop has brought her readers. If you’re a fan of Patricia Briggs or Psy-Changeling series by Nalini Singh, there’s a good chance that you’ll like this series too. The reason why I saw this is because both of those series aren’t ones that are in your face with its action and suspense and the Others series is like that too. It’s slower, but still engaging. Bishop relies on dialogue to further a lot of her stories so it’s important that you’re paying attention to conversations because that’ll give you an indication of where the series is going.

I really liked ETCHED IN BONE and I think it’s time that I explore more of Anne Bishop’s books and continue reading her other series too.




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  1. O M G! Yes! I have devoured this series since I read your reviews and have been (im)patiently waiting for this to come out!

  2. I think the first book was the best. I love the series and the unique world Anne Bishop has created. I will definitely read this one. Thank you Annie!