“This is a cute holiday read to get you in the mood for Christmas.”
~ Under the Covers

DREAMING OF A WHITE WOLF CHRISTMAS is the first book I’ve tried by Terry Spear. When I read the blurb, it immediately caught my attention because of its cuteness. Also, I’m a real sucker for holiday reads so I was very much looking forward to trying out this author.

This book is the first installment in the White Wolf series. I believe it’s a spin off of her Heart of the Wolf series. It’s all about how an author goes camping and is bitten by a white puppy, which she later turns out to be a wolf. Suddenly, she is a wolf shifter herself and now she had a try and deal with that while still trying to making her book deadline.

The first thing I have to say about this book is the fact that everything happens too quickly. All the major setup happens within the first chapter and for me who is someone pretty new to this author and series, it felt too rushed. I honestly had no idea if shifters in this world were part of the general population or if they were kept secret still since there was no explanation. I thought that since this is the first book in a series, that would be explained clearer, but it wasn’t.

The book has an overall light tone, which I like. But it tends to kind of only touch upon things that I would consider to be important. For example, the introduction of the heroine and hero seemed very rushed. I don’t feel as if I got a chance to really grasp their character before the plot started going.

Needless to say, it’s probably best if you read the other books connected to this series because the worldbuilding isn’t explained clearly for new readers. I’m not sure that I’ll be continuing on with this series just yet. If I do, I think I would like to go back and read some of the older books first before jumping into this one. However, if you’ve followed through already, then this is a cute holiday read to get you in the mood for Christmas.




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  1. I find that things tend to go quickly in most of her books but I know that going in. Still, they’re pretty good for a quick read.

  2. I find that things tend to go quickly in most of her books but I know that going in. Still, they’re pretty good for a quick read.