Recommended Read!

“I was completely satisfied with how she handled the romance”
~ Under the Covers

Get ready for some crazy because G.A. Aiken is back with another installment to the Dragon Kin series. This is one of my favorite series just because of how fun it is. These dragons don’t follow any rules and aren’t regulated by human standards so they are a loony bunch for sure. Paired with Aiken’s epic worldbuilding and politics and you’ve got a fun story with a little bit of sexiness thrown in as well.

Glheanna is no stranger to the mayhem that occurs in this book. As she goes around threatening everyone around her and headbutting those who annoy her, you know that this book will undoubtedly be a funny read. When Glheanna has been tasked with escorting the highborn Bram the Merciful, she is a little miffed about it all but she cannot deny that she is a tiny bit attracted to him.

I loved this short story. Not only does it capture the light and fun tone of the rest of the series, but Aiken still manages to give her readers something special to look forward to as she takes us down underwater to see the Fins, another breed of dragons that live in the sea. I really loved this touch and thought it added such a great layer to the series.

While I was reading, I was going to say that the only complaint I had was that there isn’t much romance until the end. There’s a lot of build-up but it isn’t until 65% that Aiken gives in and gives readers what they want. And while at first I was getting a little frustrated, I found that by the end, I was completely satisfied with how she handled the romance. For a novella, it’s very well done and makes me wish she wrote more of these shorter stories between the long waits of the full length books.

If you haven’t read this series and are a fan of Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark, give this one a shot! You’ll fall in love with these crazy dragons!spacer


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Under the Covers Recommended Read

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