


Well ladies, continuing our cover model week we have here today Colby Lefebvre!  We are so excited about this because, not only is he on some awesome covers (by some of our favorite authors) but he’s also the UTC Fantasy Cast for several of our book boyfriends 🙂 *cough* Sevastyan (by Kresley Cole) *cough*.  So that being said, please help us welcome to UTC Colby Lefebvre.

Being a model seems like a pretty glamorous job, is it something you have always wanted to do?

colbylefebvreSH076I have always wanted to do alot of things. I have many interests. As a little kid what I knew of modeling was my beautiful mom having worked alot as a model. She has taken my father on a 30 country honeymoon around the world with her modeling money and it seemed fun. As I got older I kept getting approached by agents but I didn’t really take it seriously. I was one of those kids who wanted to hang out at the beach, snowboard, off-road. I did modeling as a teenager though and liked it but we had moved to a small town so it was over two hours into Los Angeles and I only went for bigger job castings. I always had it on my mind but got my real estate licence right out of high school and since I was still too far out of Hollywood to drive everyday, I just did it on occasion.

Once I started working out the offers came in more. I met an agent from LA of all things at the gym where I worked out. We became friends and I was helping his mom find a home who lived in my town. As we became better friends, he really convinced me that I should take it seriously. We talked for months about it but he said I needed to head back in to LA if I wanted a real shot at it. One weekend he invited me to a Memorial Day holiday lake party with some other guys he knew who were in the business. He introduced them and said if these guys are doing it,  you should be doing it too because your better looking then them. lol. I said ok “I’m in”. Within three weeks the pictures he submitted of me where hand picked by Bruce Weber for Abercrombie and Fitch. That is when I knew that modeling was something I could really do. So really that fluke weekend is the reason that I eventually ended up in LA. Now I’m lucky to get to do a few things including modeling.

You have a body and visage that make women from all over the world drool like Pavlov’s dog when the bell rings, how much man-scaping and gym time does that take to maintain?  And how do you feel about those women drooling over you?

I am flattered that people drool over me! It is always a huge compliment to have admirers and fans. I like to think that men and women are equal now in terms of how much personal maintenance we do. Being in the entertainment/modeling business though, I might have more then your average guy. I have to shave, cut hair, self tan, workout, and diet at a more extreme level. But I get paid to do that and it’s part of the job. I try to take a month off now and again and do no castings, etc so I can have a break when needed. For example: I have a big 3 day shoot campaign for a European Company in less then 2 weeks, so I took 10 days off now I have started 5 days of cardio and 5 days of workouts, along with a strict low fat meal plan for the shoot. The next 2 weeks will be intense. Each shoot is different but I have never got a modeling or acting job where they said “let yourself go, we love that look!” haha


How do you manage to balance a somewhat normal life?

Hollywood is not normal. It is impossible to not change a bit when you get adjusted here. Awards shows, red carpets, being on set, getting billboards, VIP parties, etc… It can all be very exciting and not typical of any of my friends who live outside LA. So I wouldn’t say I have a normal life. lol. I def think its half normal. I work, I go out, I hang with family and friends when I can. play sports, go to the beach, etc. That part is definitely normal though.

Did you have any obstacles to overcome on your way to the success you have now?

I absolutely have and do. I am like many people who have personal obstacles to overcome. What I take from it is that how I handle it is what is important. I will be talking soon in upcoming interviews about some life events that have affected me – so stay tuned for that. I know it will surprise people some of the things I will share. I can tell you that no matter who you are, me included I have had my set of struggles, no one is immune to it no matter how handsome or connected, etc. We all experience pain, joy, hardships, etc…


Who would you ideal lover be, and what traits would they possess?

I would say I like out going, strong, independent, adventurous, and silly. A strong sense of what’s right but enough edge to jump over the danger line once and a while. haha

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Can you share a cute or funny story from your childhood?

When I was small I had really long think eyelashes. People were always coming up to me saying how pretty they were and they wanted my eyelashes or  to steal me away. Finally one day when I was about five after another person has said they wanted my eyelashes, I went to mom with great urgency and told her that we needed to cut all my eyelashes off so no one would kidnap me. lol. I really thought people were going to steal me for my eyelashes. Of course, my mother assured me that it wasn’t really going to happen but I almost cut them off on my own! Good thing I went to my mom first! 🙂

So we see you grace the cover of some of our favorite books, but what books do you like to read?

I read alot of NHL sports news. Everyday. The last books I cover to cover was a book on Kinesiology, ( human kinetics) I am very interested in how the bodys muscles interact with each other and how to build micro muscles, etc.

bound-by-night eternal

Do you ever read the books you’re on the cover of?

I have read chapters of every book I’ve done and I know the character and what the synopsis is before I shoot.  I often read pages of books I am on the cover of for fans. Though some of the things I have read would make anyone ‘blush’ to read out loud. haha

How does modeling for a romance book cover differ from other type of modeling you do?

It doesn’t vary too much as far as a shoot goes. What is different is most modeling jobs I do, I don’t interact with fans after or become an actual character like in a book. So it is a cool part of modeling when you get to actually interact with people after the job.


How about some quick fire questions!

Favorite body part to workout?
Arms and Abs
Favorite food?
BBq ribs
Favorite candy?
Sour Patch kids
Favorite sport?
NHL Hockey
Favorite team?
Detroit Redwings
Favorite song at the moment?
My favorite workout song this week is “lil Jon’s – Turn Down for What”


Find Colby Online:

Website – Fitness Coach








Here’s what we’re going to do during Cover Model Week. We will pick a winner next week from the Rafflecopter below and that lucky maiden will get to choose one book they want with one of the cover models we’ve featured on the cover 🙂 This is open internationally!

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  1. Great interview. I have several books with Colby on the cover. I even have Eternal Demon autographed by Colby and Laura Wright.

  2. Love that you’re doing cover model week. Colby is gorgeous! I met him and Author Laura Wright at a signing in Redondo Beach, CA last year, and he truly is a sweetheart.

  3. So that’s the guy on the Larissa Ione cover! But I do have to says, ewww to the Sour Patch Kids. I have never been able to eat them. Just too sour.

  4. Great covers! I think it is very interesting that Colby has read chapters from every book he has been on.

  5. I loooove Colby Lefebvre! He’s really hot! The type of girl she likes is very similar to Angel Hemming of Angel After Dark where he is the male cover model.

  6. OMG! Just want to brag that this swoon-worthy man is following me on twitter because that’s just how nice he is. I’m a huge fan of Colby and I love his beautiful blue eyes.

  7. I love Colby! He is so sweet and interacts with his fans and he is HOT! *swoon* I need more book covers with him on them 🙂

  8. I adore Colby for many reasons. He’s smart, funny, sincere and has a heart of gold. Not to mention he loves hockey!!

  9. I really want to thank you for getting in to modeling! With out guys like you our books would be boring and we would not have something to remember when we read them. I know some people think your just eye candy which is not really bad…but to know more about what you are and what you do make us realize that there is a person attached to that nice looking body! Again thanks and may you have all the success you deserve and want.

  10. You are lying! Where is there any billboard with you on it? I don’t believe you. Why no pictures with you and your billboard?

    1. Who are you Lucia to leave such nonsense on this interview!? Clearly you dont know Colby personally! He is amazing!