“I was in the horrible place where I felt nothing at all and was reading purely to get to the end. ”
~ Under the Covers

No matter how gorgeous Liam Keller is, Dr Samantha Beckett does not need the younger man and all his complications in her life. And by complications she means that he can turn into a Palaeolithic cougar and is determined to father some children on a woman, any woman it seems, as long as she has the shifter gene. Something that Sammie has and which makes her vulnerable to attack from the unsavoury underbelly of the shifter world. However, Keller is determined to protect Sammie, and not only because she saved his life or because she has the right genes.

I am keeping this review short and kind of sweet, this is something I sometimes do when I don’t like a book very much, as I quickly run out of politely worded and almost objective commentary about what I didn’t like. With Cougar Bait this isn’t the case. I didn’t dislike this book. I also didn’t like it either. Instead I was in the horrible place where I felt nothing at all and was reading purely to get to the end.

The problem was, was that I felt like I had read this book a thousand times before in various different places. It didn’t add anything that extra something, be it characters I really liked, or a storyline that I got drawn into, instead I faithfully read until I got to the end and didn’t really feel like I had garnered much enjoyment from the experience.

I would like to caveat this with I do normally like Anderson’s books, especially her Brides of the Kindred series, but Cougar Bait didn’t work for me.


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