Recommended Read!

“…this was an interesting tale that kept me on the edge of my seat guessing almost to the last page.”
~ Under the Covers

Both police detective Casey Duncan and her best friend Diana need a place to escape. Casey has a past that has just caught up with her and Diana an abusive ex-husband who just won’t quit. Luckily, Diana has heard of place where they can go a place where the lost can stay lost. Only, when they get there, not everything is quite as it seems and their new home could be far more dangerous than the troubles they just left their lives behind to escape.

This was our UTC Book Club read for May 2016, I am a massive fan of Kelley Armstrong and love her Women of the Otherworld series, so I was eager to give her crime thriller a try, especially as thrillers are a new genre that I am trying out this year. And, as usual Armstrong did not disappoint me, this was an interesting tale that kept me on the edge of my seat guessing almost to the last page.

City of the Lost was a bit of a slow starter, we first need to be introduced to Casey and Diana before they move to the town and get a glimpse of their lives before they go. Once they get to the town, that’s when I felt myself really being drawn in and when Armstrong throws us some murder and mayhem. But, seeing Casey before she moves is very important, she’s very closed off and almost cold, and seeing her character develop when she gets to Rockton was one of the things I really enjoyed about this book.

The mystery was another aspect of this book I really got in to, in most books I read I normally guess what’s happening or whodunit, but Armstrong really kept me going with City of the Lost, although I suspected some things, she always kept me off balance so I wasn’t sure. As well as the mystery parts of this book, there was an unexpected bonus of a little romance, it really helped open Casey up a little to the reader. There were also some unresolved issues left in this book, not enough to be called a cliffhanger, but enough that I will eagerly picking up the next book in the series.

I highly recommend you give this book a go, it was a thrilling read with some interesting characters and a story line that keeps you guessing. I can’t wait to read more!


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Under the Covers Recommended Read

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  1. Oooh nice! I adored Kelley’s Otherworld series as well! I’ve really enjoyed all her novels! This one’s in my TBR pile…along with nearly 300 other books that I am really dying to read! It truly never ends! LOL! Glad to see it was as enjoyable as expected! Great review!