“THIS IS DANGEROUS was, surprisingly for me, a cute story.”
~ Under the Covers

I’ve been meaning to try this author duo for a while and finally I’m taking the plunge. ย This is book one in the Kayla and Logan duet, and I had no trouble jumping into this one without having read the first 4 books. ย Obviously you see the previous couples, but my enjoyment of the main characters in this one didn’t suffer because I didn’t have that anticipation already built up. ย I liked them almost immediately anyway.

THIS IS DANGEROUS was, surprisingly for me, a cute story. ย There’s Logan – a hot cop, divorced and a dad, and one of his good friends, Kayla, who loves nothing more than rescue ALL the dogs and hope that her friend Logan finally takes the plunge and acts on his feelings. ย I liked that they were friends beforehand and had this really cute relationship already. ย Taking things to a physical level was not a decision that came lightly, especially for Logan who is carrying a lot of baggage around. ย That exploration was fun to experience with them, though!

Kayla was almost the perfect relatable heroine. ย I took a liking to her immediately because she’s generally so open, can be clumsy, loves her animals like family and will do anything for her friends. ย I was rooting for her to get the guy the whole time, even when he was being extremely frustrating with his mixed signals.

Just when I thought it made no sense for this to be a duet because things were going in such a good direction, there’s a twist in the end that changes trajectory and leaves me wondering where the authors will be going next with it. ย I’m definitely curious to read the conclusion of this one and to explore more of Kennedy Fox’s books.

While this wasn’t a blow-me-away kind of book, I did find the writing to be fun and cute. ย A light and quick read that had me dreaming of puppies and donuts! ย Oh yeah, and sexy cops. ๐Ÿ˜‰





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  1. I will definitely be reading thus but ill wait until the next book comes out so I’m not left hanging and wondering.

  2. I’ve read all of them. This is my FAVORITE couple.

    I can’t wait until next year when they finally reveal themselves. The authors, I mean. ๐Ÿ˜‰
