“”What I liked about Carys and Rune’s relationship was that its already pretty solid in the beginning so when it gets tested, you can really see how unshakeable they really are.””
~ Under the Covers

In the thirteenth installment to the Midnight Breed series, Lara Adrian continues her story arc, which began in Edge of Dawn where the Breeds and the vampires try to co-exist. Of course, it’s not an easy task as several issues pop up along the way. What is different about this book is that the hero and heroine are actually already in a relationship. Carys and Rune are total opposites and though their relationship is heavily frowned upon, nothing stops them from being together.

Rune is your typical Breed hero. He’s a fighter through and through and as you learn more about his past, you really begin to enjoy his character some more. Carys is the daughter to Chase and well, if you know anything about the guy then you know this book will be interesting based on that alone. What I liked about Carys and Rune’s relationship was that its already pretty solid in the beginning so when it gets tested, you can really see how unshakeable they really are.

Another thing I’ve loved about this series from the very beginning is that Adrian spends some time in the enemy’s head. While this can be boring for some readers, I think it’s integral to the series and brings so much added suspense and thrills. It really strengthens the conflict and creates that much needed tension in the series.

While I’ve enjoyed the Midnight Breed series as a whole, I will say that the second cast of characters haven’t been holding my attention as much as the original books have. I don’t know what it is but while I like the characters, I haven’t obsessed over them like I used to do with the others. All the elements are still very much there but I think I’m looking for something that will make the characters really stand out amongst a sea of already great characters.

I look forward to seeing what Lara Adrian comes up with next!




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  1. I didn’t even realize that this is about Carys and Rune. I knew they had a good relationship from the last book. I think you’re right there’s been something missing with these 2nd set of characters. I pounced on the first Breed novels and haven’t done so since they were outed to the humans.