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“Not many authors can put their characters into such ridiculous situations and make them work…”
~ Under the Covers

At long last, Julia Quinn has come back to the family we all love, the Bridgertons! But, what do we think of her new book Because of Miss Bridgerton? We ask two of the Bridgerton series craziest fans their thoughts on the new book.

So girls, what were your thoughts when you saw that Julia Quinn was bringing a new book featuring the Bridgertons?

Annie: I lost my shit. The Bridgertons is one of my all-time favorite Historical Romance series and I still believe it’s some of Quinn’s best work so when I learned that she would be returning to this beloved family, saying I was excited is an understatement.

Suzanne: There may have been some squealing and happy dancing going on, luckily I didn’t turn incontinent (poor Annie, losing her shit like that!) but I was definitely busting some moves. The Bridgerton series is not only one of my favourite series by Julia Quinn, but also one of my favourite Historical Romances. The humour, the romance and love, not just between the couples, but between the whole family really shines, you can’t help but fall for every member of the family.

Now that you have read the book, did it live up to your expectations?

Annie: Yeah, it did. I was expecting the same trademark wit and humor that the original series had and this book definitely had some of that. I was also looking forward to exploring more of the family as it was such a big part of the other series. Quinn delivers; she has the same elements in this series that she had with the other but it’s still different enough that you can read this series without having read the Bridgertons.

Suzanne: It did…and it didn’t. I don’t think was as good as her original Bridgerton series, it didn’t manage to hook me in like those did. But, as always with Quinn, she did write a humourous and sweet romance, one that I enjoyed and I hope that I feel the sense of family more as I read through the series. I didn’t quite feel it like I did in the Bridgerton series.

What did you think of the hero and heroine? Did this have the traditional Bridgerton mixture of humour, romance and passion?

Annie: If you’ve read a Julia Quinn book then you know it’s fairly easy to fall in love with her characters. From the moment George and Billie find themselves stuck on a rooftop, arguing, I knew I was going to enjoy this book. Not many authors can put their characters into such ridiculous situations and make them work, let alone make them fall in love.

Suzanne: Quinn’s books, even the Bridgerton series, all follow a pattern and this one was no different; if you like one of her books you are very likely to enjoy them all. So, it did have that mix of humour, romance and passion I enjoy from her; however, it didn’t quite have the special something that makes the original series special.

Will you be rushing out to get the next book in the series?

Annie: I’m looking forward to it! I wonder who’s next?

Suzanne: Despite how negative some of my comments seem, overall I really liked this book and I will be looking forward to read the next one. I can’t wait to see who is next.

What do you rate this book?

Annie: A solid 4 stars. I enjoyed this one more than the latest few releases from Quinn but I’m still holding off until I’ve read more in the series to determine if its as good as the Bridgertons!

Suzanne: I would say 3.5 stars; but this is also a book I would recommend anyone who wants something light and funny paired with fantastic writing to give a go.



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  1. Thanks for your review! I am reading the Bridgertons now, for the first time, & loving it. Looking forward to reading this one!

  2. Thanks to both of you..I love the bridgertons and always enjoy her writing but I do miss her other historical romances

  3. Nice to know that expectations were mostly met. Hadn’t read all the 2nd epilogues nor all the books in the series (missed one or two), but still looking forward to reading this one.