“Shen has a way of making you feel the heartache, the humor, and all the emo moments she stuffs into the story.”
~ Under the Covers

I was lured by the cover. It had a tatted dude.

I was intrigued by the blurb. The hero is a bad-boy with a sexy, dark side.

And I am a fan of Shen’s Saints. I have read the previous books. So I was hoping that I wouldn’t be disappointed.

I wasn’t.

First off, Bane deals with a really dark topic which can be a trigger for some readers. So I warn you now—the heroine, Jesse Carter, has been raped. Although the scene isn’t too graphic with details, there was definitely a disturbing image painted in my mind by the author, so proceed with caution.

There was a bit of apprehension when I first started reading Bane—sometimes an author can take a hero and carve him from a dark place and not have him be redeemable. This was not the case here. Bane was easy for me to fall for. Although he has a penchant for pot, extorts money from small business owners, and sells himself out to the many women who make up the small beach community, he still had some very lovable character traits that made my heart swoon. And his backstory makes it all plausible for the way he has turned out. Plus, he loves his mama. Who can resist a tatted dude who fills out his swim shorts oh-so-well? Not me.

Bane is rough around the edges (Duh) and hungry to make himself a success. Growing up a bastard, he’s had to fight for everything he has. And he isn’t above a little duplicity to make it happen. His goal? To build a SurfCity center-a mall with beach shops and other surfing related stores and a cool place for rich teens to hang out to surf or skateboard. Problem is, he needs someone to back his project. Enter Darren Morgansen, a filthy-rich entrepreneur, who has money to burn….and a beautifully, yet broken step-daughter, Jesse Carter.

Darren has his own agenda. He will give Bane the money he needs…with one stipulation. Bane has to “coach” Jesse back into society. WITHOUT sleeping with her. Easy Peasy.


Jesse Carter has a reason for keeping herself hidden. She rarely ventures outside and all of her friends have abandoned her, including her wench of a mother. And men? She avoids them at all cost. But a sexy stranger slowly convinces her to change her mind…

Dane has agreed to Darren’s condition and “meets up” with the shy but feisty Jess Carter. Thing is—Bane has seen her before. Jesse bears a unique tattoo —My Whole Life Has Been Pledged to

This Meeting with You. Bane has never really forgotten her.

Thus, the big dilemma –Bane needs the cash Morgensen has thrown his way, and OOPSIE, he’s already spent a ton of it on the small hotel and coffee shop he owns. However, the sweet temptation to give Jesse was she truly desires is one that can either make or break him.

What I loved about this book is the writing—Shen has a way of making you feel the heartache, the humor, and all the emo moments she stuffs into the story. If you are a huge fan of how L. J. Shen writes, then Bane is out there waiting for you….grab him up and gobble up all the words and see if you don’t fall for this sexy, surfing, bad-boy.

You won’t be disappointed.


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