Author Override is the place where authors take the reins and take you on a journey into their world. Some may allow you into their private writing dens. Others may take you along with them on research trips or interviews. Whatever the case may be, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride because here youโ€™ll get an in-depth look into an authorโ€™s musings.

HelenKay Dimon

Thank you for having me here today to talk about my upcoming release, LEAN ON ME.

LEAN ON ME is a contemporary romance set in a scenic town in West Virginia. I had a vision in my head for what the area would look like because I’d been to West Virginia many times. I wanted a plant nursery with acres of trees, all set in the mountains. Once I had that, I could create the buildings and surroundings in my head. Then came questions from the publisher’s art department about the hero and heroine โ€“ Mitch and Cassidy. They needed to know what they looked like so they could design the cover.

While writing, I generally picture characters in my mind without basing them on famous people, but at the cover design stage I find photos that match as closely as possible with what I envision. Here’s the photo I gave for Mitch. It’s the actor Misha Collins

Here’s my vision for Cassidy (real life Hillary Duff)

And here’s what the Carina art department folks came up with

Pretty close, right? I think it’s great.

(Holloway # 2)

Cassidy Clarke once climbed the worldโ€™s highest mountains, but after an unexpected illness ends her career sheโ€™s back in her hometown, broke and hoping for a little luck. But the townsfolk arenโ€™t exactly putting out a welcome mat for the woman who once snubbed them in the media, despite her apologies now.

Mitch Anders knows someone has set up camp on the grounds of his plant nursery, and heโ€™s surprised to find his sexy high school crush ducking questions about where sheโ€™s staying. Though heโ€™s sworn to stop cleaning up other peopleโ€™s messes, Mitch offers Cassidy a job and a place to stayโ€”his place. Bedsharing optional, but definitely welcome.

Out of options and too attracted to Mitch to keep things platonic, Cassidy says yes to his offer. She wants to get back on her feet financially and start a new career. She never expects to suffer a different kind of fall, one that has her believing Mitch just might bring her something bigger and better than luck.

Ms. Dimon is graciously giving away an ebook copy of LEAN ON ME to one lucky maiden!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I’m not sure the man on the cover has the hardness of the actor you chose but the cover is really pretty and I would pick it up in the bookstore!

  2. Pretty cover. Thanks for sharing the pictures you recommended. I love seeing authors inspirations for their characters.

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    Michelle Kelly