
“I think about these books when my head hits the pillow at night.” ~ Under the Covers

Cari Silverwood never fails to capture and enthrall me.  Her Pierced Hearts series is among the very best in dark BDSM.  I’m usually left feeling the after-effects for a week or two, a true testament to the mild-fuck she’s able to dish out with such skill.  Yield is number five in the series, and in this installment, she goes into uncharted territory, keeping the readers on their toes.  If you think you know what to expect, you’ll be wrong.  I tend not to read teasers and spoilers, so I was an unsuspecting victim of the unique twist she gives us. She loves to toy with readers’ emotions like the sadists she writes about.

Wren is a rich heiress on a hunt for her father’s killer.  She’s aware that he had a taste for dark kink and was far from  innocent, but this doesn’t stop her from her desire to exact revenge.  She has a dark history and a love of knives.   Glass, former SAS, signs on to help her track this elusive man for a price: her money and her body.  Glass is an ultra-alpha, dominant man who awakens desires in Wren she’d never have believed she harbored: a desire to submit, to take pain, to be owned.  It’s an instant attraction that burns like a wildfire.  Moghul is the sadistic enterprenuer who has his hand in both legal and illegal activities. He knows Wren is searching for him, but he has desires of his own: to make the hunter the prey, and capture her for himself forever.  Both Glass and Moghul want to claim Wren as their own.  In whose arms (or cage) she lands, is up to….the reader!

I LOVED Wren as a character: strong, academically bright, and able to take care of herself quite nicely.  Despite her shock, she doesn’t do a runner when Glass awakes in her the need to submit.  She’s pleasantly surprised, and despite her hook-up with Glass hinting of insta-love, I believed their connection completely.  Sometimes it’s just that way.  They are HOT together and I dreaded seeing her in the arms of the cold and sadistic Moghul.  Leave it to Cari Silverwood to make me find Moghul’s handling of Wren just as erotic.  It’s so much more on the non-con end of the spectrum.  Expect blood, pain and tears.  And orgasms.  Because Wren is a dirtier girl than she ever imagined and so are we for enjoying it.  Moghul is a BAD man.  We know this, but we find ourselves enthralled, just as Wren is.  I was transfixed when I saw the suspension hooks glinting on the table.  Oh yes.  She goes there.  The ending is something I hadn’t experienced before and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel initially.  The Blade Path and the Thorn Path are both satisfying in their own way and it’s up to the reader to choose.  Is one ending “real” and the other a sick fantasy?  That’s what I want to know.  The appearance of characters from previous books in the series was a pleasant surprise (Chris and Pieter!) and they serve to bring continuity to the ongoing arc of events, but this could easily be read as a standalone.  Personally, I think there’s no reason you wouldn’t want to dig in from the beginning, as each is unique in its own way, intelligently written and so provocative.  I think about these books when my head hits the pillow at night.

*ARC provided by author



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