…although this book didn’t light my world on fire, I did enjoy it, the romance was sweet and gentle ~ Under the Covers
The widowed Mrs Georgina Mowbray is finding life as a ladies companion far preferable than the life she ever had as a wife to her brutish and new deceased husband. There are only two things disturbing her new life, one being the Earl of Coniston, Con, who is far to handsome and charming by far and seems determined to befriend her and two a dark secret that only she and her two closest friends are privy to. But Georgie and friends secret may not quite be as secret as they thought as they all get a disturbing note and Georgie starts seeing her supposedly dead husband watching her; it maybe the only person she can turn to for help is Con…
I really enjoyed Why Dukes Say I Do, the first book in this series and was excited to be reading this, the second book. And, although this book didn’t light my world on fire, I did enjoy it, the romance was sweet and gentle and I can’t wait to find out who is the dastardly person trying to kill off Georgie and her friends.
I think I would have liked this book more if the romance between Georgie and Con had a little more passion and spark behind it, it felt a little staid and plodding in that respect. However, they did make a really cute pair and I did like how their relationship developed from almost-friends to falling in love, as though there may not have been much sexual chemistry between them, you could still see they had a connection.
What I like most about this series though, is the mysterious figure behind all the plots to murder Georgie and her friends, it is a great mystery and I like that I don’t know who is behind it all, it makes me excited to read the next and I believe final book in this series. What also has me looking forward to the next book is seeing what happens next between Archer and Perdita, the start of their relationship has been set up really well and I can’t wait to read them hooking up.
I enjoyed this book, it had a really nice romance, which although may not knock your socks off was still lovely to read, this was another good book by Manda Collins.
*ARC provided by publisher
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