” Ms. Kenner did a great job building good sexual tension” ~ Under the Covers
I enjoyed Ms. Kenner’s Stark Trilogy a great deal, and since this is a spin off, I was hoping to enjoy it as well. Unfortunately, I did not love it as much as I expected. While the writing flowed and the storyline was good, some scenes were not to my liking.
Angelina and Evan grew up together and always had feelings for each other. But as it were, they were forbidden to be together by the man whom they looked up to, a father figure if you will. But when he dies, Angelina and Evan will revisit what was in the past. They find out secrets that prevented them from getting together, and it must be resolved if they intend to make it work.
Angie is a politician’s daughter who is dying to break out of her shell and Evan a rich but dirty businessman wanting to come clean. I love the premise of Angie and Evan’s story. It certainly is intriguing, and it had my attention throughout the whole book. I also like that they always had feelings for each other, lived their lives separately and finding their way back. It was very sweet. I envision Evan as handsome bad boy with a body exact to the cover of this book. The man is ripped!!! Evan did play that part very well in and out of the bedroom. However, what turned me off is that when it came to the steamy scenes, I found that the conversations a bit flat or generic. Some of the dirty talk felt forced or scripted. Don’t get me wrong, the scenes were hot, it was the “dirty talk” that bothered me. I was a bit disappointed because Ms. Kenner did a great job building good sexual tension between the Evan and Angie, but when it came to the actual scene it did not work for me. =/ But in the light of things, everything else was enjoyable. I’m hoping the next installment will be better.
*ARC provided by publisher
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[about-author author=”J. Kenner”]
I’m not a fan of spin-offs ….also I agree the cover model’s body is HOT!….thanks angela
Thanks for the review Angela.