I didn’t love it, I didn’t help it, it was just okay. ~ Under the Covers
Kelsey Noble is tired of waiting, she can hear the tick of her biological clock and she wants a baby now, the only problem is that she doesn’t have a potential father. A fertility clinic is her answer, only they mess up and give her the wrong baby daddy. Something she only realises when a cowboy complete with Stetson turns up on her doorstep to see her unborn child.
I find books like this hard to review I didn’t love it, I didn’t help it, it was just okay. It fell a little flat for me, I didn’t really connect with the main characters or the story.
I did like the secondary characters, the hero’s brother and sister especially, it looks like they will be getting books in this series and I would be interested in seeing there story. However, Kelsey and Cole never really caught my attention and I didn’t feel much chemistry between them.
Unexpected didn’t rock my world, but it was well written and had a nice romance as well as some good secondary characters, it just wasn’t to my taste.
*ARC provided by publisher
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Thanks Suz!