“This book is nothing but a pure erotic read. Ms. Alexander did an impressive job making it so. ” ~ Under the Covers

The House is written in such a way that every room in the house has a different adventure. It is written that the heroine is the reader herself. She is given hints of what is in the rooms and given a choice in which adventure she wants to partake in. And to make your choice, you are asked to click a link. Pretty cool, right?

The idea of The House is very entertaining. Being able to go to different rooms and playing in them was pretty darn exciting. This book is nothing but a pure erotic read. Ms. Alexander did an impressive job making it so. This book can certainly put you in the mood during hot summer nights.

I do would like to put in a warning. There is no romance in this book, so if that is what you are expecting then this book is not for you. As I mentioned, this book is an erotic read. It contains explicit scenes such as BDSM, mmf, fff, and many other heavy kinks. But if you are looking for a read that is wild in nature with all kinds of sinful fantasies, then The House is the book you want.

I would like to suggest limiting your adventure to one to two rooms in one sitting. The House has plenty of rooms to explore and multiple partners to play with so, pace yourself. Of course, I clicked all oall the rooms. Speaking of which, with multiple partners there is a concern for protection. I wish there was mention of protection or signs of players being clean. You may or may not care as this is a personal preference but I thought to mention it. Bottom line is that The House is an extremely hot and enjoyable read, so proceed with caution.

*ARC provided by publisher

The HouseBook 1

Pushing the Limits: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review


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  1. A part of me wishes their had been a little character development or story but I know it was meant to be what you said a pure erotic read, which it definitely was. I thought it was interesting basically playing the part of the heroine.
    Excellent review. 🙂