“When I talk about chemistry, these two HAD IT!”
~ Under the Covers

I have come to really love this series and this author’s writing in general, in case you haven’t noticed.  This is a perfect example of that.  A dangerous hero and a kind hearted but spirited heroine and you have a combination that just had sparks flying from the first time they met!

Our heroine is the daughter of a wealthy businessman in Manhattan but she wants to do good things for people in need.  And one of her projects right now is tracking down deadbeat husbands who have skipped out on their families and are not supporting them financially.  The police is not really interested in helping these women so it’s up to her to go to the most dangerous parts of town and find these men.  Her ultimate dream, though, would be to work for the police herself!  That’s how she ends up in front of Manhattan’s kingpin and gangster and makes a deal with him for his help.

Everything about this book was excellent.  So many great quotes, incredible writing and unforgettable characters.  Mulligan is cunning but such a romantic, who would’ve known? And Justine isn’t all innocenc.  She’s got courage to face not just the dangerous streets and thugs but also society’s tongues.  She faces every problem head on, and that includes dealing with the attraction between Mulligan and her.  When I talk about chemistry, these two HAD IT!

I’m sad to see this series come to an end but I’ll be waiting for anything else Ms. Shupe brings our way.



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  1. I thought book 1 was ok, but I love the storyline for book 3. Can it be read without having read 2?