“Despite some minor blips, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it for a fun and easy read.”

~ Under the Covers

It’s been absolute ages since I have read a Jessica Clare book, but I saw this one and thought why not? It’s been a long time since I’ve read a cowboy book and I found that I enjoyed Clare’s easy and fun writing style. She cracks a lot of jokes, making the characters easy to enjoy. However, I do sometimes think that the humor gets a little childish in some places, making me wonder if other adults actually think this is funny. But I guess humor is difficult to write when everyone is so different.

My favorite thing about this book is the hero, Jack. He was sexy, funny, and charming all at the same time. Layla took me a bit more to warm up to but I also think that’s due to her shy personality.

This is the sixth book in the Wyoming cowboy series and although I haven’t read any of the other books in this series, I found that I could easily get into this one. Despite some minor blips, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it for a fun and easy read. I might make it a habit to return back to this series whenever I want to read about a sexy cowboy again!


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