This is the last in the Brethren Guardian series and the one I have been looking forward to the most as it regards Elizabeth York and Iain Sinclair, Marquis Alynwick. We have watched the tension between these two from almost the beginning and I couldn’t wait to see what happened, as well as the conclusion to who exactly the mysterious Orpheus is.
I found that I liked this book, but at the same time became very frustrated by it. I am very familiar with Charlotte Featherstone’s style of writing, wordy, overwrought but beautiful, because of this it can take her a while to get to the point, she is good at building sensuality and tension between a couple. But with Temptaion & Twilight it was too long and it felt like we were just going over the same feeling over and over again making it unbearable repeatative, I just wanted the characters to stop being melodramatic and have wild dirty monkey sex, like they both obviously wanted to!
Apart from that I did enjoy Elizabeth and Iain’s characters. I liked that although Elizabeth was blind she didn’t let it hold her back, and Iain was a broody, sexy Scottish Laird, what isn’t to love? They also have fantastic chemistry together, this book had a thread of eroticism in it even though the deed wasn’t done until almost the end, it really managed to ramp up the tension.
The romance between Elizabeth and Iain did mostly take over this book and the mystery regarding the Brethren Guardians did take a back seat, but the conclusion was stil satisfying and very neatly tied up. I have enjoyed this series, it is a great historical series with a nice twist of magic and mystery to make it stand out from the rest of the genre.
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Good review! I am behind on this series too- I need to dig it out of my tbr…lol
I was disappointed with this book. I thought the hero was a dick and I just couldn’t root for him at all.
I kept waiting for his redemption or at least a decent explanation for his behavior and it never came. (*sigh*)
I’m glad you were able to enjoy it more.