In a series of twists and turns, Sutherland takes this fun trope and makes it her own. There are a ton of surprises that make this book a thrill to read. ~ Under the Covers
Woo hoo! Sutherland has really found her niche with this sci-fi M/M series! SKY HUNTER turned out to be more than I expected. This is Jeret’s book and readers will learn more about his past, and more specifically where he came from. As a crowned prince, he ran away from his family and joined the Crux Ansata crew.
His father hires a bounty hunter to retrieve him. We learn that he is dying and that he wishes to see his son once more before he dies. Dagan, the bounty hunter and Jeret know each other from their childhood and encountering one another again only brings those memories back into their minds.
In a series of twists and turns, Sutherland takes this fun trope and makes it her own. There are a ton of surprises that make this book a thrill to read. Action and suspense lace every page of this book. But again, there is that sparkling humor that I really like about this series that is present as well.
The only thing that confused me in the beginning was the switching back and forth between names. Jeret and Dagan’s name for him, Jadi was just too much at one point. I would have preferred the author just stick with one to keep it simple. There are so many characters already in this series that adding names that sound so similar to one another makes it hard to get them all straight.
*ARC provided by Netgalley
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[about-author author=”Fae Sutherland”]
Glad you enjoyed this series too! It was fun.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Definitely a fun series
Thanks for the review Ann!
Thanks Timitra!
You guys are really piquing my interest in the M/M romance….great review!
Thanks Sharonda! Hoping you enjoy this one if you try it!