Sexy and sweet cowboy yummy-goodness at its best!  Rocky Mountain Desire and Matt Coleman rocked!!!  I thoroughly enjoy my time with Ms. Arend’s Canadian cowboys and Matt was no slouch!  I know some of you readers have been waiting a lot longer for his story, but since I just recently discovered this series I was lucky enough not to have to wait too long for it.  So let me tell you about Matt.

We have been through a lot with Matt.  In book one he was dating his high school sweetheart, the only girl he’d ever had sex with (same for her, he was the guy she gave her virginity to).  The sweet as honey middle Coleman brother wanted desperately to marry her and start their life together.  She had other plans.  First it started with wanting to have another man added in the mix of the sexcapades for spicyness.  When that wasn’t enough, she went chasing the dream of the big city and the occasional orgy.  Cheated on him and then ran out of town, leaving him high and dry, humiliated and destroyed.

We suffered through all that with him.  So when this book started out and he falls in immediately lust with a sometimes “dancer”, I was dubious.  When we find out this said “dancer” is also his ex’s little sister, all my red flags went up.  I’m not a big fan of the little sister of the ex girlfriend having had a crush on the guy since forever and then all of a sudden they can make a relationship work.

Well, I am here to admit that Ms. Arend shut me up on that, brilliantly!  Matt and Hope are so perfect together!  She gives as good as she gets, she’s no floormat with either Matt or her sister.  She’s independent, a fighter, and she’s not throwing herself at Matt at every chance she can get!  He did the chasing!!  And boy was it entertaining!!!!  Watching him trying to out-do the other guy.

And when things finally started heating up and sizzling between these two they were ON FIRE!  Hope wants to give up control and Matt was more than happy to help her out!

Then there’s the whole Coleman family!!  I love all of them, from the sexy and smexy twins all the way down to the Coleman mom & dad.  He even helped his son make a quilt!! *wipes tear away* LOLNow, when can I get some more hot, wild, cowboy lovin’ again, Ms. Arend?  I need another Coleman fix!

*ARC provided by publisher 

Release date: March 13, 2012

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