“Ms. Dean created a charming love story between a pitcher, his trainer and their love for the game. Pitch Perfect is an awesome and sweet read.” ~ Under the Covers
Tucker is a baseball pitcher from a San Francisco Felons who is almost at the end of his career. After a major surgery, a sports trainer…a very attractive trainer, is brought in to help him recover. Of course, Emmy is not single , but that status does not last very long. Well, working with these players, I would hope I’d be single too. Don’t get me wrong, it won’t be an easy rode for this couple. There will be a little angst, lots of tension but plenty of flirting, sexy scenes and don’t forget…baseball.
I thoroughly enjoyed this new sports novel. It has good humor, very sweet and sexy scenes , and I love the characters. I thought Tucker was a sweetheart. I really enjoyed that he was straight forward with his feelings and attractions for Emmy. And his overall persona just screamed sexy. Emmy on the other hand, wasn’t all that sexy to me, even if I went that way =). But what I did find attractive was her independence. I love that she is standing on her own in an unfamiliar city. Anyone that can do that even for a job earns my respect. Ms. Dean did a great job with these two. I like her writing and the voices she gave her characters. She also did an awesome job with the setting. Certain scenes in the book that mentioned places, scenery or neighborhood was pretty accurate.
Ms. Dean created a charming love story between a pitcher, his trainer and their love for the game. Pitch Perfect is an awesome and sweet read.
*ARC provided by publisher in exchange for and honest review
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[about-author author=”Sierra Dean”]
Oooh I like the sound of this-thanks Angela!