I think we all have at one time or another had the Dr. fantasy.  Hot, sexy and perfect with a lab coat and stethoscope.  And that’s exactly what Darcy Reed finds when he wasn’t looking.  Having recently come out of a bad relationship, and not having the best self-esteem, he was quite surprised when the hot, and older, doctor approaches him at a bar.

Oh the potential to be found in this story, but somehow it managed to fall a bit short for me.  Somehow Darcy had been in a serious relationship with another man but was still a virgin.  I found that hard to believe.  And then I was a bit annoyed by the fact that every time they were together I felt that Sheridan, aka Dr. Scott, was always the one giving and saying “this is for you”, but it really didn’t feel like a two-way relationship.

Still, for a short story and leaving the actual relationship issues aside it wasn’t a bad story, it had some hot moments, even some rope play.  I just wished for more of a connection and character development.  That is something that I always find hard with short stories, and in this one it didn’t quite work for me.

*ARC provided by publisher

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  1. Good review – doesn’t sound like my kind of book but I think you did a good job of pointing out the strengths and weaknesses in the story without giving away spoilers:)