
Ms. Jones definitely left me wanting and needing more of Mark’s POV.” ~ Under the Covers

Poor Mark. His world right at this moment is at turmoil. He has no control of what is happening in his life and he is barely hanging on. His feelings for Rebecca are clearly still there and the guilt of letting her go is eating at him. Besides that, he has to deal with his sick mom, problems with his business and sub club, and of course his feelings for Crystal. Not much happening in Crystal and Mark’s love story but this book certainly lets us know how Mark is feeling about her. He is intrigued and definitely challenged. A situation he’s never been in before and their relationship is “hanging” in there.  But again, there’s so much going on in his life that I’m thinking it will get worse before it gets better for them. Ms. Jones definitely left me wanting and needing more of Mark’s POV.

Mark is obviously a big part of Chris and Sara’s story and his POV somehow makes the story whole. The mystery of Sara is still not entirely solved and Ava is creating chaos in this trio’s lives. We hopefully get more of the story at the next full length novel, No In Between. I, of course, am dying to get more of Chris Merit.  I’m just glad we have these filler novellas to hold us up till the next release.

*ARC provided by publisher

Book 1
The seduction
Book 1.1
Book 1.2
Book 1.3
My Master
Book 1.4
Book 2
Book 2.5
Book 3
His Secrets
Book 3.1
My Hunger
Book 3.2
Book 4 Pre Order

If I Were You (Inside Out, #1) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
Rebecca’s Lost Journals, Volume 1: The Seduction (Inside Out, #1.1) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
Rebecca’s Lost Journals, Volume 2: The Contract (Inside Out, #1.2) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads | Our Review
Rebecca’s Lost Journals, Volume 3: His Submissive (Inside Out, #1.3) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads
Rebecca’s Lost Journals, Volume 4: My Master (Inside Out, #1.4) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble | GoodReads
Being Me (Inside Out, #2) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads | Our Review
The Master Undone (Inside Out, #2.5) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads | Our Review
Inside Out Novellas #1.1-1.4; 2.5 : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads | Our Review
Revealing Us (Inside Out, #3) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
His Secrets (Inside Out, #3.1) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads | Our Review
My Hunger (Inside Out, #3.2) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads | Our Review
No in Between (Inside Out, #4) : Amazon | Barnes and Noble  | GoodReads



[about-author author=”Lisa Renee Jones”]


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  1. I love your books! As much as I wish I had time to sit and read them all unfortunately i do not have the time to sit and read a book so i use my car time to listen to books. I have been looking for His Secrets, My Hunger and My Control but they do not seem to be available in audiobook form.