I didn’t expect to love this book so much, but Maxfield really pens a believable gay-for-you story that doesn’t seem contrived or forced in any way. It’s done in a believable and fun way that made it so easy for me to devour. ~ Under the Covers

I’ll get straight to the nitty gritty: I loved this book.

If you’re a fan of Lorelei James’s Blackstop Cowboys series, then I think you will adore this book as well. It reminds me of James’s style a lot with all the ranching/cowboy side of the book but it’s just a gay romance. And a very well done one at that.

Malloy hires a new ranchhand Crispin Carrasco and then something starts happening to him. He finds himself attracted to the younger guy when he doesn’t believe himself to be gay. This is the major battle that Malloy faces throughout the book, though there are other things that Crispin helps him through as well.

Their chemistry is of the explosive kind. I loved their banter and their way of communication. Though they don’t understand each other, they are willing to speak about their emotions, which I think is hard enough.

However, there is also a slightly darker side to this story that really got to me. I didn’t expect to love this book so much, but Maxfield really pens a believable gay-for-you story that doesn’t seem contrived or forced in any way. It’s done in a believable and fun way that made it so easy for me to devour. The first kiss is epic and everything following that seems to progress so naturally for them. I really loved the romance aspect of this book.

One thing I need to get more used to is all of the ranching/cowboy side to all this. I don’t like seeing animals hurt in books and they seem to happen more often in cowboy novels. It honestly has nothing to do with the book, just a personal thing for myself but if that’s the only negative thing I can say about this book, then you know it’s a great one to begin with!

I just about did a Snoopy happy dance when I learned there was a sequel for this book. You can bet I will be all over that when it comes out!

MY COWBOY HEART has all that I love in a romance: fun dialogue, a moody hero and just a touch of angst to top it all off. I’d say this is a definite keeper on my gay romance shelf!

*ARC provided by publisher

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