Communication, or rather the lack thereof in contemporary romance is the one thing that I find to be a weak source of conflict…. I think this conflict fits the story even though it may not be the most strongest one I’ve read. ~ Under the Covers

You don’t see this happening often in series where an author returns to past couples and writes about their life ten years from now. That’s what happens in MAKING IT LAST, where we return to Amber and Tony from How To Misbehave.

After attending Ellen and Caleb’s beach wedding, tired mommy Amber is needing her own vacation from her hectic life. Tony sees that so she tells Amber to stay awhile and enjoy her time while he takes care of things. In the end, Tony actually stays with her and this is where things get heated once again.

While I enjoyed the sex scenes, there was one thing that disappointed me.  It can be so easily solved with a few words and an open mind. Between Amber and Tony, there is a lack of it and I again go back to trying to ignore that and simply enjoy the story for what it is. But I just don’t see it as strong in any story. It’s a good thing that this is a novella and not a full installment into the series, otherwise I probably would have given this a lower rating based on the weak conflict.

That being said, with Knox having How to Misbehave to fall back on, I think this conflict fits the story even though it may not be the most strongest one I’ve read.

*ARC provided by publisher

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