I first read this author in the HOLIDAY KISSES anthology last year. That was the first Holloways story as well. I thought then that there was something missing on a story that otherwise had good potential. And that is exactly how I feel about this book as well.
The general idea of the small town girl, Cassidy, that went away and became successful professional climber, then during a media “oops” said some hurtful things about her town. She is now down on her luck and comes back to town where her stepfather still lives. Then she reconnects with the then high school football star, Mitch. He had also gone on to pursue his career and due to injury and just life he is back home. They never had a relationship then but he always had a crush on her so he goes for it now. See, general idea I liked it!
And this is where it sort of fell apart for me because I just didn’t connect with Cassidy. Some of the things she did, and how she did them, the positions she put herself in…I just couldn’t get it. Mitch kept having to approach her like he would a scared and cornered animal, almost literally.
*ARC provided by author