” I think Scott did a great job of redeeming Jimmy.” ~ Under the Covers
In LEAD, the lead singer of Stage Dive, Jimmy Ferris had to be redeemed. After his attitude and acts in the previous books painted him as an alcoholic unable to control himself, I knew that Kylie Scott would have a big challenge on her hands.
Surprisingly, it didn’t take very long for me to like Jimmy. Though he starts off as a douche in the beginning of the book, I found that I could feel sympathetic to his character.
LEAD is told from Lena’s POV and after she becomes Jimmy’s “companion”, she learns more about Jimmy than she ever expected. In that time, she falls in love with him and when he doesn’t return her feelings, she believes it is time to leave.
First off, let me start off with what I enjoyed about this book. As I mentioned before, I think Scott did a great job of redeeming Jimmy. I honestly didn’t think I would like him very much, but it turned out to be a great hero in the end. Additionally, Scott’s sense of humor shines once again with each page of this book. I found myself laughing out loud and generally having a good time.
However, there is one thing that kind of faltered for me with this book – it was the romance. Lena falls hard for Jimmy fast and as a reader, I couldn’t understand why. While I did feel that he was redeemed from his previous actions, there was nothing to really make me see him as a romantic hero. As the book went on and Jimmy helped Lena with her dating new people, I enjoyed seeing his jealously peek through yet I was expecting more.
Lena speaks of love, but I never felt it. At around 75% of the book, I was beginning to wonder if I would ever catch up with Lena. While there certainty was humor and heart, I was looking for more passion and more emotion as well. Even their first sex scene seemed a little detached.
While not my favourite in the series, LEAD still offers much to enjoy.
*ARC provided by publisher
Lick: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
Play: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads | Our Review
Lead: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
Deep: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
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Thanks for the review Annie
I know what you mean when you discover that there is something missing. Thanks for the review.
Thanks for the review, I’m currently reading Lead and at 50% I’m still waiting.
I’ve enjoyed the others so much, but I know that this one has a different feel to it based on Kylie’s posts. Thanks for the honest review. It’s still on my list. but now I’m debating if I should just get the electronic version instead of waiting for the paperback release.