IN HIS COMMAND has a gripping premise, but the POV lacked something for me. ~ Under the Covers

Why I read this book:

Two things really popped out at me when I considered this book. I felt really drawn in by the dystopian aspect of this book. Dystopian isn’t exactly my favorite genre yet but I’ve read a few that have engaged my attention. So I was hoping that this book would also spur me to further explore the genre.

Another thing is, it’s a m/m and you know I’m all about that!

Initial thoughts:

In the opening chapters, I found myself intrigued by the world. But also very confused. The worldbuilding turned out to be far more extensive than I expect it to me. It is the year 2070 and because of a series of environmental events, the world has changed dramatically from what we know of it today. Big cities are ruled by the Company and the most horrific aspect of this world is that all homosexuals are to be exterminated.

I found this concept to be both intriguing and horrific. I love the idea as a story, but in real life, how terrible would that be? Commander Casper Cannon must escort Nathanial Rice to a secure location, but his secrets is not only dangerous but can be deadly to him as well.

As I said earlier, it’s a lot to take in and it can be confusing at times. You’re thrown into a whole different world that is detailed and a bit scary. It definitely took me awhile to really sink into this alternate reality.


Warren writes some great characters, but I don’t particularly know why I didn’t connect with them on a deeper level. I enjoyed reading their POVs but felt like I couldn’t really sink into their characters for some reason that I cannot pinpoint yet, even as I write this review.

I certainly felt the character’s emotions throughout the story, but again, the first person POV just didn’t grip me as much as I thought it would. So this is really where I felt there was one negative thing for me about this book.

Final thoughts:

IN HIS COMMAND has a gripping premise, but the POV lacked something for me. However, I am very glad to see more M/M novels being published traditionally.

*ARC provided by publisher

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