“A dark and emotional read that I really enjoyed and will leave you looking suspiciously at your credit cards for weeks to come! This may be my first read from Delilah S. Dawson, but it won’t be my last.” ~ Under the Covers
The US has been conquered and no one seems to know it. Apart from Patsy. A man in a black suit arrives on her door with not only the news that Valor National Bank has bought America, but with a choice; kill the ten debtors on her list or watch him shot her mother and burn the house down. Not much of a choice. Becoming the Valor’s hitman Patsy starts working her way down the list, which takes her on an unexpected journey through her past and brings her face to face with Wyatt, a boy who should hate her…but instead seems to be helping. But in the strange new world where debt is now deadly, people aren’t always what they appear and Wyatt could be playing games of his own.
I am not normally a fan of Young Adult but this book had my interest from the blurb and continued to keep me hooked throughout the whole book. This was the beginning of a dystopian world where the banks now rule America and using a credit card could potentially spell your death. It was a bleak prospect, and Hit is unexpected its dark subject matter of death and debt and yet it doesn’t leave you feeling as gloomy, however, it may make you hesitate to sign something before thoroughly reading the terms and condition, just in case of unexpected slavery.
What I liked about Hit was Patsy, the heroine of the story, she and her mother has slowly descended into poverty as bad luck has hit their small family of two, meaning Patsy has had to grow up fast. Her streak of almost ruthless practicality tempered with compassion and a determination to save her mother made her a likable character, despite the horrible things that she had to do. The violence in this book was also a surprise, Dawson doesn’t seem to hold back and although there is graphic descriptions of entrails spilling out and brains leaking through ears, there is a lot of death and hard decisions in this book.
There is also a hint of romance, which is all part of the overall intrigue of the book, however, if you are looking for a YA read heavy on the romance, this probably isn’t the book for you. It focuses on Patsy and her emotions and actions whilst she tries to do the best she can in a nightmarish situation.
A dark and emotional read that I really enjoyed and will leave you looking suspiciously at your credit cards for weeks to come! This may be my first read from Delilah S. Dawson, but it won’t be my last.
*ARC provided by publisher
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Thanks for the review Suzanne
Sounds pretty interesting. …thanks suzanne
Yeah, no kidding! This does sound darker than the expected. Can’t say its a bad thing to avoid credit card debt though. 😉
Thanks for the review.