At a time when wolves aren’t necessarily a new thing in Paranormal Romance, Moira Rogers somehow brings forth a fresh approach, making me fall in love with the werewolf all over again. ~ Under the Covers
HAUNTED SANCTUARY is the first book in a new series by writing duo, Moira Rogers. Eden Green is a sweet librarian who gets caught in a maelstrom of dangerous chaos and lethal bites. When her cousin returns to town with his pack and trouble is swiftly coming their way, Eden is bitten in the process. As a newly turned wolf, she is working hard at keeping her wolf at bay and acclimating to her newly developed skills. Clover’s Chief of Police, Jay Ancheta is there to help her and since he is an alpha wolf himself, Eden latches on to him to help her through this difficult time.
I loved this book. HAUNTED SANCTUARY took off running and never really lost its momentum throughout. Right after Eden got bitten, I found myself flying through the pages of this book, eager to learn more about the pack and how Eden fared with her new life. There’s also the case of Jay Ancheta who is absolutely delicious and made for a great hero.
At a time when wolves aren’t necessarily a new thing in Paranormal Romance, Moira Rogers somehow brings forth a fresh approach, making me fall in love with the werewolf all over again.
*ARC provided by publisher
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I just saw this book on another blog it sounds good thanks Ann for the review.
Hope you enjoy, Lori!
This sounds really good-thanks for the great review Ann!
Youre welcome, Timitra!