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“Ultimately, GIVING IN was sensual in a completely different way than the first book was.  More subdued and understated.  But palpable just as much.” ~Under the Covers

GIVING IN is another good installment in the Surrender Trilogy.  I was excited to read about Kylie and see how Jensen would maintain who he is while dealing with all of Kylie’s issues.  To say that she is skittish is an understatement.

I admit the author did a good job at showing us Kylie’s hang ups and dealing with them in a way that said she was ready to get over her past (it has been a long time, after all) and move on with her life.  The approach Jensen took at first, the big alpha dominant male barging right in and taking charge of the situation, was probably not too believable for me.  I didn’t like how Kylie went from not wanting to be in the same office with him (comfort wise) to letting him sleep over at her house.

Past that though, I liked Kylie and Jensen together.  Not as much as I enjoyed the first couple in this series, but they were cute together.  And that big alpha male showed a sweet and caring side.  So much so that I thought it may be a bit too much of a stretch for him to give up so much control.  Just went to show his devotion to Kylie that he did.  I just don’t know if he gave up too much of it to be with her.

Another thing I found enjoyable is the feeling of family that ties Maya Banks’ series together.  Even though they are not family, the friendships built are strong and their fun times and interactions are always nice to read about.

Ultimately, GIVING IN was sensual in a completely different way than the first book was.  More subdued and understated.  But palpable just as much.

I am  not so sure how I’ll like the next book, but I do love the setup of a married couple having struggles and how they overcome then to make their relationship stronger than it was instead of seeking the easy way out and looking for love elsewhere.  So I’m anxious to see how Ms. Banks does that!

*ARC provided by Publisher

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  1. I have book one in this series sitting on my shelf! It is one of those that I need a couple of days so I can read them back to back!

  2. Thanks francesca…..I’ve found that it’s either hit or miss with maya’s books for me

  3. Great review. If I did not already want to read this book, I would after this great review.