“A little bit gritty and emotional.” ~Under the Covers
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY is a bit different than something I would normally pick up. Starting with the fact the hero is a male prostitute. Colm has been through hell in his life and that hell has put him in a place where he’s shut down his emotions and sold his body to get money he desperately needed for his sister. He is broken and damaged with plenty of skeletons in his closet. But they usually don’t come to the surface.
Except when he takes on the job of seducing Sydney Warren. She’s an artist with a flair for sexual, who has been with her partner, a renowned arts dealer, for a long time. Part of that time after he was in an accident that left him in a wheelchair. He wants to test Sydney by putting a good looking man in her path who will attempt to seduce her to see if she caves. If she doesn’t, the test passed and he will marry her.
Sydney was a bit of a lost soul to me. She’s not entirely happy with her relationship but she feels she can’t seek elsewhere what she needs to feel complete. She also seems to feel that she’s sold out on her art and done what sells instead of what’s in her heart.
When Sydney and Colm start spending time together as he’s modeling for her both their walls come down.
It was an interesting read that wasn’t at all what I would’ve expected but turned out to be enjoyable. A little bit gritty and emotional. I had some issues with certain parts and the pacing could’ve used a bit more speed but the relationship between Colm and Sydney developed nicely. I did feel a bit rushed in the end, looking for a resolution that I’m not sure I was ready to have.
*ARC provided by publisher
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Thanks Francesca.
Thanks for the review Francesca!
This sounds different. Never read about a male prostitute. I will check it out. Thanks