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โ€œAnyone who enjoys PNR reads that has some form of brotherhood or intricate world building such as Kenyonโ€™s Dark Hunters, Thea Harrisonโ€™s Elder Races, and even JR Wardโ€™s BDB will sure to enjoy Ms. Callahanโ€™s Dragonfury series.โ€ ~ Under the Covers


I knew coming into this book that Wick is darkened with a past that future relationship was just unimaginable. Frankly, I had no idea how his story will be playing out. He also had a certain bond with Venom, his best bud that I couldnโ€™t quite understand. Their relationship made me question their sexuality. I wonโ€™t divulge that little information , but I can tell you that they are very close and Ven is the only one who truly knows him. I was curious on how this author was going to break this tough guy down to actually have him fall for any female.

I am happy to say that Wickโ€™s past was not as dark as I expected. I take that back, his past was dark, but Ms. Callahan didnโ€™t go into specific details , so readers didnโ€™t have to experience any of the sufferings. But she does let her readers know who Wick really is.

Wick is fierce, brave, feared , and he is respected among his comrades. What I didnโ€™t expect is that Wick, the scary dangerous grump that I know was nothing but a sweetheart. After meeting Jamison, he was nothing but mush. It was fascinating that this woman can have such power over Wick. The things Jamison did or say that made Wick smile just melted my heart.

Jamison on the other hand, was quite the opposite. She is this fragile woman who is trying her damnedest to be tough. Her decisions showโ€™s she is quite strong, but no, she is not a kick ass heroine. But thatโ€™s okay because Wick is there to take care of her. I think that was the draw, Wick had that need to save her. I really enjoyed their love story.

Ms. Callahan of course didnโ€™t exclude the action and suspense that I have come to expect in this series. The warfare between the Razorbacks and Nightfury continues. Now the Razarbacks are attempting bigger and better ways to destroy humanity along with the Nightfury pack. With that said, you know that there are some battle scenes that are worth reading. There is a bit of build up for Forge which Iโ€™m hoping itโ€™s because his book is up next.

Anyone who enjoys PNR reads that has some form of brotherhood or intricate world building such as Kenyonโ€™s Dark Hunters, Thea Harrisonโ€™s Elder Races, and even JR Wardโ€™s BDB will sure to enjoy Ms. Callahanโ€™s Dragonfury series.

*ARC review provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review



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  1. I love to read paranormal books! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Another series on parnormal to-read list,thanks for the recommendation Angela ๐Ÿ™‚
    Great review! ๐Ÿ™‚