The war between good and evil, angels and demons, god and Lucifer has been fought…and the demons won. It is now post apocalypse thousands of years later and human life has gone on and Noon Onyx, a descendent of one of Lucifer’s warlords, is about to start law school. But Noon has a secret, born with the waning magic something that has the exclusive providence of men, she is a freak of nature and wants to change it to the live giving waxing magic that she should have been born with. But Ari Carmine a fellow student with waning magic and is determined for her to change her mind and to accept herself as she is.

I really loved the idea of this book, most Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romances have at its centre a struggle between good and evil and I was excited to read a book where evil has won and to see how Jill Archer has imagined post apocalyptic society where demons now rule. I liked that she had pictured society as not really changing at all and angels and demons fading in to everyday life.

However, a few things stopped me from enjoying this book, mainly it was Noon herself I never warmed to her and as the book progressed I found her conflict about her magic tiresome and her constant hot and cold behaviour off putting. As this book was written in first person (from Noon’s point of view) my irritation with Noon was constantly through out the book.

What was also strange about this book was the pacing, throughout most the book it slowly plodded along and then literally in the last few pages action exploded on the page and rapidly died back down again. It was very strange after the relatively slow build up in the rest of the book and it felt a bit like an after thought; as if the author had just remembered they had a mystery plot and decided to stick the resolution on the end.

Unfortunatly, although I really liked the idea of the book for me it didn’t live up to its potential.

*ARC provided by publisher

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