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“…the sex is as smokin’ hot as it gets.” ~ Under the Covers

If you’ve read my review of the first 69 Bottles installment, Claiming Addison, you know I was hooked from the start with this series.  Craving Talon picks up right where it left off and doesn’t let up.  Addison is coming to terms with her life on a tour bus and her newly blossoming romance with two hot men, lead singer, Talon, and band manager, Kyle.  There two are also hot for each other in a big way, though it’s completely new territory for both of them.  Addison has fought past heartache to let these two into her heart, but they still have a lot of barriers to get by to make this threesome a functional reality.  Some are physical and some are psychological.  Addison has an offer on the table to push her career past PR and into performance, a lifelong dream, but little does she know that danger lurks around the corner, threatening her life and happiness.

I’d heard rumors that Craving Talon would be hotter than the first book and I was not disappointed!  The sex is open, no holds barred, in every combination.  There’s more than just an M/F/M sandwich in these pages.   We get alone time with our two hot men and get to watch as they take their relationship to a new level, emotionally and physically. We’re pushed full force into what makes a true M/M/F love story work.  The conflicting and complicated emotions swirl around, threatening to destroy everything they’ve been working towards.  Once again, Addison is real, down to earth and hysterically funny.  There’s a whole dialog about her beautiful breast implants (!) Need I say more!  The dialog is fresh and flows well.  Kyle and Talon play off of each other perfectly.  Addison is their queen, but their interactions and attraction isn’t diminished by her presence, only heightened.

I definitely recommend this be read after Claiming Addison, as you really need the first book to set the mood for what’s to come in Craving Talon.  Zoey Derrick has gotten me to read and love rocker romance, which is a genre I’d been avoiding for a long time.  I was scared of the clichés and rocker lifestyle/attitudes, but these steer clear of them, instead bringing you characters with real emotion and very little façade.  And the sex is as smokin’ hot as it gets.  I’ll be diving in to her backlist as I wait for the next installment 😉

*ARC provided by author

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