The ending is a good one, but getting there was just a rough ride for me. ~ Under the Covers

This is a book that has quite a lot of buzz. It had all the elements that pique my curiosity – A rock star hero, a vulnerable heroine and a Contemporary setting. However, I found it very hard to connect with the characters. And I’m still not sure why.

Dahlia London has experienced something that had drastically changed her life. It should have made me feel for her, but for some reason, I didn’t hold that connection with her character. When she meets River Wilde, the singer for The Wilde Ones again, that ember from the past burns into a flame.

Again, River had all the smooth moves but they completely flew by me. I think for me, it was the dialogue that threw me off. It failed to hold my attention. Sometimes I thought the lines were cheesy making me roll my eyes instead of making me swoon. I have no question that there is chemistry between characters, but in some cases, I thought it was focused on too much. I didn’t feel it bloom into something greater. It was always just there, stagnant and never moving.

Also, there was too much inner monologue, going over the same details again and again. I find it very difficult to read a POV from a character that you have no connection to.

That being said, it took me awhile to read this book. I heard that the ending was amazing so I kept at it until I got there. People were right. The ending is a good one, but getting there was just a rough ride for me.

*ARC provided by publisher

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