
“JP and Vega’s story is.., a light hearted story. It was a quick read, sweet, filled with humor and a healthy amount of sexy. ” ~ Under the Covers

Caught on Camera is Kim Law’s debut novel and yes, I’m a little late in the game. I actually started with her Sugar Springs series then Turtle Island as they released in the past. Kim Law is an auto-read author for me and since Caught in the Act releases this month; I obviously need to catch up. I will confess, I’ve read the ARC for the second installment as well and IT IS GOOD! IMO, both novels are stand alones but I still recommend reading from the start of the series.. It just gives you a better feel for the characters.

This novel hadThe Kennedys/Cinderella theme to it. I loved Law’s voice here; it’s different. Compare to her Sugar Springs and Turtle Island series, which I totally love by the way; this had a different voice to it. I can’t quite put my finger on it. It may be because I connected with their scrwed up family drama or the character build up was done differently. I was facinated with the family’s role as politicians. The need to be perfect in the public’s eyes yet the truth is they are filled with betrayals, dissapoinents and emotionally destraut children who has to live with their parents’ mistakes. The best part of it is that despite all of that, they managed to live their own lives and find happy-ever-after.

And with all that being said, JP and Vega’s story is still a light hearted story. It was a quick read, sweet, filled with humor and a healthy amount of sexy. If this is the type of books you like, I recommend to start here; as well as Law’s Sugar Springs series. I love her books.

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  caught on camera caught in the act




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