I enjoyed the previous Whispering Cove anthology so I was really excited to read about the matchmakers again and their antics. In this first short story they decide to pair up Vic Hayes with Hauk Michaelsen. They’ve been friends their whole lifes. Vic has a crush on Hauk and has been with him, supporting him, during every heartbreak he’s had. Now a widower and a single father, he’s been relying on her help with his daughter.
Of course with a little bit of meddling they are put in a situation where not only are they working together to find talented singers for the festival, but also some seeds are planted in Hauk’s mind about Vic dating someone else.
I wasn’t too happy about the fact that he never saw Vic as a woman but all it took was one comment about her having to go on a date after watching his daughter and Hauk was all over her. He admitted that he wasn’t attracted to her before, consciously. So if the attraction was there, which obviously was, then it was pushed to the back of his mind.
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[about-author author=”Nikki Duncan”]
Good review! I can’t wait to read this next set of books in Whispering Cove and yes…I want to move there too!