BORDER LAIR is the second book in the Dragon Knights series. While I do believe that this book is strong as a standalone, Adora and Jared are introduced in MAIDEN FLIGHT and their romance really stems from there. This book takes on a different approach than the first book. I thought D’Arc really changed the tone of the series with this one. Things are far more bigger in this book – war is approaching and dark times are ahead.

Unfortunately for Jared, his life has been in constant darkness since his wife and child died. His grief still lingers within him and he feels unworthy of Adora’s love even though she is willing to give it freely. He deems himself undeserving and I think readers will be touched by Jared’s gentle heart. Adora gentle coxes Jared out of his shell and slowly learns his ways. As their romance continues to bloom D’Arc really cements the fact that they are meant to be together, a third member is introduced. Lord Darian comes to warn them that death and destruction come their way and though he is seen as a traitor now, Jared welcomes his old friend. Darian takes an immediate interest in Adora and sparks fly between the two. However, as Darian is a member of the royal line of black dragons, Adora is aware that she cannot have something permanent with Darian even though she desperately wants to.

D’Arc experiments with the mating rules and rituals she introduced in the first book and I liked seeing the happy ending at the end, but felt that the solution to the conflict seemed to happen too conveniently. I also felt that the romance was slightly impeded by Jared’s hesitancy and seemed to fast-track too quickly after when he made the decision to be with Adora to make up for the time lost. Nevertheless, I was enraptured by D’Arc’s world. Bringing together dragons, war and love, D’Arc is readily able to transport readers to another time, giving them an escape that they will sure to remember.

The sex scenes, again, are very explicit but are well-done. D’Arc explores light bondage and ménage well and am always looking forward to seeing how she will bring three different people together for the purpose of love. She seems to do a stellar job each time.


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