Kit Rocha feeds the obsession for this series with BEYOND ADDICTION, keeping readers on the edge of anticipation!” ~ Under the Covers

After the ending that left readers hanging in the last book of the series, Kit Rocha takes us back to Sector Four where Trix and Finn are reunited. However, I should say that they aren’t in Sector Four in the beginning of the book. Trix has been drugged and taken by Mac Fleming, a known threat to the Broken Circle, yet Finn doesn’t see him as much of a challenge, especially when Trix’s safety is in his hands. As they try to get their way out and return back to Sector Four, they are encountered once again by their repressed feelings for one another as well as a whole lot of guilt.

Finn feels as if he has given up on Tracy and it’s because of him that she had to change her name. Yet Trix doesn’t see it that way at all. She sees honor and loyalty in this man who has held her heart for so long. As Finn tries to get her back to safety, he encounters the overprotective men and women of the Broken Circle and must now prove to them that he is worthy to be with Trix and most of all, to be an O’Kane.

Kit Rocha makes immense leaps and bounds in this book. There’s quite a bit more significant deaths that had me gasping because I wasn’t expecting such swift cuts in the action scenes. However, I think they did a fabulous job of creating an action-filled story that balanced well with the romance.

Trix and Finn are basically starting over and what I liked about their romance was the fact that they didn’t rely so much on their past to dictate their future. Both we were willing to move on and I think the guilt associated with their past seemed less of an obstacle because of it. Because of their hope, their romance seemed brighter.

There were quite a few new characters introduced that have sparked my interests. I am incredibly excited to know more about Lili Fleming after the events that happened in this book. Kit Rocha feeds the obsession for this series with BEYOND ADDICTION, keeping readers on the edge of anticipation!



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  1. It is because of Under The Covers that I found this series. I started on book one and read it in one night, I did take time out to text my bestie, to order her to drop everything and buy it. (which she did because she is a great friend). At that time there were only two books out and I read them back to back and THEN reread them again. Doing an instant re-read is a very rare occurrence in my life. I am obsessed with this series.

    At RT2014, I met one of the authors and stood in a bar on Bourbon Street yelling, “O’Kane For Life”. She loved it.

    I cannot thank you all enough for turning me onto this series.

    Barb = O’Kane For Life