“Best of the three books, Angel in Chains is action packed, heart felt and has twists that will leave your mouth hung open in shock.” ~Under the Covers

Angel in Chains is the third installment of the Ms. Eden’s The Fallen series. As I said from my review of Angel Betrayed, this series just keeps getting better and better. The romance is more intense, the action is more intense and the hero is definitely more intense.

The biggest struggle for all our Fallen Angels are that they made a choice and it came with a price.  Being kicked out of the heavens, wings burned off and then thrown into the human world is just a few of the punishments when rules are broken. However, the worst is dealing with all the emotions that come with the temptations.

From Angel Betrayed, we already knew what Azreal’s weakness would be. It is the very reason he fell to begin with. Destined to cross paths again Azreal saves Jade from an attack by shifters.  Though his reason to save her from the beginning was to get back to heavens, his attraction for her was obvious.  As I said, these fallen Angels’ weakness was their temptations.  And Jade Pierce was exactly that.

I enjoyed reading about Azreal and Jade.  I have to say that Azreal and Jessica are my fave out of the three couples from the series.  I think their romance was more believable then the first 2 books.  There was some resistance at first but as soon as they know they felt for each other, they were in for the long haul.  I loved that Jade trusted Azreal when his loyalty was in question and that just humbled Az making him fall even harder.

I also enjoyed the relationship between Azreal and Samael.  Like any brothers that fight, they fight but somehow back each other up when needed.  I don’t want to say to much but Azreal and Sam had me in tears.

Best of the three books, Angel in Chains is action packed, heart felt and has twists that will leave your mouth hung open in shock.  Though this book had its slow patches, Ms. Eden kept me interested in the characters and plot.

*ARC provided by publisher

Ms. Eden is giving away a signed copy of each one of the Fallen Angel series books.  Three Winners, a book each.  International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. First of all, I have to say the cover is hawt! I’m looking forward to reading this one. Love books about angels (fallen or not). This is a great series. Congrats on the new release. Thank you for the giveaway.

  2. Honestly, I haven’t dared dive into the angel genre yet. My TBR is out of control as it is! But how can I resist a series that sounds this intriguing? ARGH!

    What a pleasant problem to have. 😉

    Thank you, as usual, for doing the giveaway!

    hafowler at gmail dot com

  3. I won an Arc and LOVED this story. Az and Jade were perfect. Of course I haven’t read Books 1 & 2 yet. lol But I’d love to win either one. Thanks for this opportunity.
    Carol L

  4. I haven’t heard of this series before. It sounds really good! Thanks for the heads up on this. Id love to won and get a chance to check it out.

  5. Nice review. I haven’t read Cynthia Eden’s Angel series yet but from the description I’m going to read this one. I just loved the Bound Vampire books.

  6. thank you for the review, i love learning that a series keeps becoming better and better^^ i really hope to start this one soon

  7. I enjoyed your review of this book. It has made me want to read it even more (if that is even possible). I am a rabid fan of Cynthia Eden and her writing. This series has caught my attention and held it thru the first two books – I am glad to hear that this book is even better!

    Congrats on the new release! Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I had never heard of this series but the cover of this book stopped me in my tracks!!! After reading your review, I will definitely head to the beginning and check out this series. Thanks!

  9. I am so behind on this series. I have only read the first book. Fingers crossed to win one of the others. Thanks for a wonderful review.

  10. This is such a great series. I really love Cynthia’s work. These angels really have to work for it 🙂
    Thank you

  11. Love Cynthia Eden’s books and would love to read this! thanks for the giveaway chance!

  12. Neat review, Ang! 😀
    Yesteday I just finish Sam’s in Angel Betrayed and I want to read the next about Az. Hope you all will pick me to win 😉

  13. I have been burned by angel books in the past. I liked your review and I might give this series a try. Maybe I just haven’t found the right series yet!

  14. I’ve read Angel of Darkness and Angel Betrayed. I can’t wait to read Angel in Chains. Thanks for sharing your review. I’ve read a few other books by Cynthia and I love her work.

  15. I’ve recently read one of this series so far and am looking forward to reading the others. Thanks for offering this one as a giveaway.

  16. Chnthia’s all day Blog Celebration on release day is so much fun. Her writing is inventive and I’d love to win this series, it’s intriguing.

  17. I haven’t read about this type of paranormal angel before – I ‘m curious to see how they are presented.

  18. I completely agree!
    Azrael is yummy,yummy angel 😀
    I can’t describe how much I love this series!

    Wonderful review Angela 🙂