Recommended Read!

“Bursting with action with a few laughs along in the way, the Katherine “Kitty” Katt series is sure to be your next reading addiction!”
~ Under the Covers

Twelve books into the Katherine “Kitty” Katt series and Gini Koch is still able to deliver a fast-paced, action-packed thrill ride that stays true to what faithful readers love about the series but still manages to throw in some unexpected twists and turns.

What I love about this series is the fact that no matter what situation Kitty finds herself in, her voice never gets old. Right from the very first page, Kitty’s narration grips you and it makes the 500+ pages that this book is a little more tolerable because of her friendly, affable nature.

This is definitely not a series to be read out of order. However, I think new readers can still appreciate the fact that each book is its own journey. Even though larger threats are happening all around Kitty and her crew, Koch does some things that really ground her character and make her more relatable. For example, Kitty can kick ass in a fight but she struggles to take care of her two children. The younger one seems to be developing some new abilities that they don’t know how to control or understand yet so it’s definitely fun to see how they will handle that. I love the fact that despite this is all set in an alternate world with aliens and the Mastermind, etc, there is still something very genuine about Kitty and I think that’s why this series is able to go on for so long. Readers find that she isn’t that much different than the rest of us.

As I mentioned earlier, this book is quite long (as most sci fi novels are) so a lot can happen. I think Koch’s writing continues to get better with each book. Each chapter ending pushes me to read more. Each new advancement makes me wonder how in the hell Koch is able to come up with this stuff. Her imagination has no bounds and that’s what makes this series so fun to read. Anything can happen.

ALIEN IN CHIEF is another fantastic installment to the series. Bursting with action with a few laughs along in the way, the Katherine “Kitty” Katt series is sure to be your next reading addiction!




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Under the Covers Recommended Read

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  1. I LOVE this series…in fact, I’m expecting my copy to show up in my post box soonest! I order the next one immediately as it comes available to order. I’ve never been disappointed, laugh my fanny off, whip through the pages when it gets tense as it frequently does….cannot wait to see what happens next! Highly recommended and I’m glad you like it as much as I do!