Recommended Read!

“I love the concept of these books, it’s such a simple but interesting idea.”
~ Under the Covers

Raised in isolation as neither servant or family Kara has never seen much beyond her lady’s chambers. However, when she receives a rare invite to dine with her ladyship’s husband, family and their guests she catches the attention of Royce Capello, a noble visiting on business. In exchange for some land he demands Kara as payment. The next day she is leaving everything she knows behind. However, Royce’s travelling party is set upon by bandits and Kara is once again taken. Kara is in despair, taken twice against her will and shoved into an unfamiliar world she seems to have no choices. Until a mirror appears and shows her three possible choices…

I love the concept of these books, it’s such a simple but interesting idea. A young woman is at crisis point with a set of choices before her each with the power to complete change the path of her life. A magic mirror appears and shows her the consequences of each choice.

What made A Girl of White Winter such a good read, was that each choice presented had its own unique highs and lows. Each future, even the ones that may seem to be awful each offer Kara something unique, be it romantic love, a family, affluence, responsibility and leadership. And, even the choices that seem like they would be perfect have their downsides. I really loved that Hendee gave us such a complete picture of each possible choice.

Each choice also brings out different aspects of Kara’s personality and allows her to progress from a sheltered and timid girl to a woman with her own strengths. And as each possible choice leads to such different consequences this book also avoids becoming repetitive. Although characters do cross over, you get a different view of each character each time meaning it never gets boring.

As to whether I guessed which path she would take? I genuinely found it difficult with this one and was eager to see what path she would take. This was just another reason why I couldn’t put this book down. Any fans of fantasy and/or young adult need to give this book a try, it’s a fantastic read and one of my favourites this year.


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Under the Covers Recommended Read

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  1. Fabulous review suzanne!!! Never heard of this series,but I also love the concept of these stories !!Our all on my tbr gr list!! Ty! Shared on all my socials!!??