“… there are a lot of possibilities and I look forward to seeing these come into fruition in future books.”
~ Under the Covers

I like to say that my favourite genre is Urban Fantasy, and when I look deep into my heart that is where my love lies. I love the interesting twists and overlays that authors put on a contemporary world. Then I love to see the stories and characters that the authors plonk down into the world they crafted. However, when I look at my reading history, you could be fooled into thinking that I barely have a passing interest in the UF genre. This is why I decided to pick up A Drop of Magic by L.R. Braden, I need to start trying new UF authors rather than just sticking with the ones I know and have an unhealthy level of love for.

Part of what attracted me to this book is that our heroine Alex was a metalsmith and an artist. I loved the concept of a heroine in a UF not being a warrior, but having a more creative bent. Like most UF’s this book is told in first person. Which means that it is essential that you like the protagonist. However, although I didn’t dislike Alex, I also didn’t particularly feel a strong attachment to her either. I found her very…tepid and reactive. This did mean it took me while to really get invested into this book and it definitely suffered through a very slow start.

It’s depiction of the fae was very similar to that of Patricia Briggs with them as ruthlessly sly and extremely clever. The fae are key aspect of the world that Braden has created and I can’t wait to see how she uses them in this series. In fact, one of the things I liked about this book was the world that Braden created, there are a lot of possibilities and I look forward to seeing these come into fruition in future books.

Now, let’s talk about romance. My favourite type of UF is UF where romance does play a role. In this book it looks like we may have the set up of a love triangle…maybe even a love square judging by how the book ended… I have mixed feelings about this. One half of me is really happy that there is a prospect of romance in the future, the other half is dreading having to put up with a love triangle. I don’t like them. They never reflect well on any of the characters involved and I find myself getting very frustrated with the whole thing. However, maybe I am seeing things that aren’t there, but I do plan on reading the next book in the series so I can find out.


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