Recommended Read!

“Lush world building, lyrical writing and compelling characters will keep you turning the pages.”
~ Under the Covers

It’s always a pleasure to immerse myself in this world.  What I’ve noticed after several books is the fact that this second trilogy with Imriel as the narrator is definitely different for me as a reading experience than Phedre’s.  That not necessarily a bad thing, but I think what I struggle is the fact that I’m missing that deep level of despair that Phedre was going through.  Imriel is a younger character and while he’s still going through a lot of serious things and wow has he matured in two books with what life has thrown at him, he’s not Phedre.  And I keep waiting for that same feeling to come to me.

So putting that aside and just thinking about this book, I definitely enjoyed this one more than the first.  Imriel doesn’t start out as a “spoiled” child (and I say that loosely because he really never was that bad).  We now understand his love for Sidonie and you hurt along with him when they are torn apart not knowing what their future will be.  Imriel grows into his sense of honor and responsibility.  Which I was proud to see.  There was introspection and a level of self awareness that he reaches that wasn’t an easy task for him to achieve and Ms. Carey did a wonderful job at taking us on that journey with him.  And of course, any cameos of Joscelin and Phedre always put a smile on my face and we got some of that in this book as well.

If you haven’t read this epic story and are looking for something to transport you out of this world, then I highly suggest these books.  Lush world building, lyrical writing and compelling characters will keep you turning the pages.

Favorite Quotes:

To my surprise, Joscelin rose. “Phedre-” He began, then halted. Sitting below him, I watched him smile to himself, quiet and private. “Phedre yields with a willow’s grace,” he said softly. “And endures with the strength of mountains. Without her, life would be calm; and yet lack all meaning.”

“It is a dangerous thing to bring a dream to life….I have watched my deepest, dearest hopes take shape, and I am not entirely sure I like the shape they have taken.”




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  1. I’ve read other reviews stating that if the intricacies of court politics and intrigues don’t interest you, then avoid this series. While I do find them interesting, I don’t know if this book will push my limit and lose me instead of drawing me in.

  2. I have Kushiel’s Dart I need to read it soon so I can read the other books. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Francesca