FISH & CHIPS opens with Ty and Zane beating the seven shades of shit out of each other. Immediately, I am grinning from ear-to-ear because I know I am sitting down to read more entertaining scenes such as this one when Iโ€™m reading a Cut & Run book.After Ty and Zane go at it for a couple more rounds, they are called in for duty. Their next case is a doozy which involves chest waxing, eyebrow shaping, massages, spray tan, fake tattoos and the works. Why, you ask? Well because Ty and Zane will be posing as an openly gay couple who are involved in an international smuggling ring on a Christmas cruise in the Caribbean. Ty must work on his British accent, and work even harder to pull off the ridiculous hair color he is sporting on this case.

Ty and Zane are not too thrilled about the prospects of this mission, and they soon find out that more parties are involved, making this assignment far more difficult and exponentially dangerous. After several attempts on their lives, the guys finally take matters into their own hands.

FISH & CHIPS focuses a lot more on the suspense plot, but the romance is still very much there. This storyline allows the romance to bloom and I think Urban and Roux did a fantastic job of incorporating a strong romance awhile still keeping focus with the mystery aspect of the story. There was a great balance.

I am absolutely hooked onto this series! Ty and Zane have me wrapped around their fingers. Every moment is entertaining and I can only imagine the kind of trouble they will get into next in DIVIDE & CONQUER.

Favorite Quote:

โ€œThatโ€™s my gun,โ€ Ty said in an offended voice. โ€œThey hid my gun in the sex toys? Thatโ€™s not right, man.โ€

My Ty: Jensen Ackles

My Zane: Eric Bana

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  1. Great review! I loved that quote, I burst out laughing when I read it. Love the pics of Ty and Zane as well!
