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Cruz's Salvation by Stacey Kennedy

paranormal romance

Cruz’s Salvation by Stacey Kennedy

May 4, 2011

Read this if you want

  • Vamp / werewolf romance
  • Pining for a mate
  • Romeo & Juliet vibe

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Cruz is a lone vampire until he met a girl and fell in love, except she just happened to be the daughter of the werewolf Alpha. And their species hate each other.

This story was sweeter and had a bit of a “Romeo & Juliet” feel to it.  And then add the fact that her father has brought in a candidate to be her mate from a different Pack (and when I mean candidate, it’s not optional) and things get rushed into happening.

Of course this is still a pretty sexy story, even though Kiara is a virgin, they still manage to be quite creative in their short sexual encounters.

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