
“HOLIDAY GAMES was a slice of life in the Riley family, and it was a deliciously sweet visit with some of my absolutely favorite characters.” ~Under the Covers

As usual with any book in the Play by Play series, you will be filled with a sense of family and rightness. ย HOLIDAY GAMES was a slice of life in the Riley family, and it was a deliciously sweet visit with some of my absolutely favorite characters.

This story centers around the holidays and especially Gavin and Liz, who are trying to get pregnant. ย You know what my favorite part is? ย Liz is still Liz. ย Unapologetic and determined to get what she wants. ย She’s not turned into a mushy submissive woman that does everything her man says. ย She gives as good as she gets. ย She demands things herself. ย And she takes. ย She is my absolutely favorite female so far in this series. ย We are also seeing Ty and Jenna’s wedding planning excitement! ย Another one of my fave couples.

HOLIDAY GAMES is still and extremely sweet, family centered story but don’t let it fool you… it packs a lot of HEAT!

If you have a love for these characters, you’re going to love this story. ย Although it does stand well on its own, I would recommend you read it as part of the series.

*ARC provided by publisher

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  1. Holy hell in a hand basket that cover!?! Ummm gorgeous! This seems like a nice little afterwards novella. Thanks for the review ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Jaci Burton simply knows how to choose amazing covers ๐Ÿ˜€
    Gavin and Liz are my favorite couple for this series,although I like very much all books from this series ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m glad that Jaci Burton give us opportunity to enter again in the world of Riley family ๐Ÿ™‚

    Very nice review Francesca,thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚