Enchanted by Blood by Laurie London (SweetBlood #2.5) – 3 stars
Trace is a guardian and a vampire. And although Charlotte has no recollection of this, the truth is, Trace and Charlotte had an affair before this. Swiped clean of their memory, Trace uses this one night to relive their happy moments together…in the comfort of her bed.
I liked Laurie London’s story. While Trace was a nice hero, I hoped for a little more with Charlotte. She wasn’t too memorable for me. I also thought that the beginning of the novella was stronger than the latter part, but that is not to say that the writing gets weaker as you read. Overall, I enjoyed this read.
Monsters Don’t Do Christmas – Michele Hauf – 2 stars
Out of all the stories in this anthology, I thought Hauf’s had the most memorable heroine. Olivia definitely had the best introduction and I found myself liking her spunk. However, after the strong beginning, I thought this story lost some of its appeal as it went on. Olivia may be alpha of the relationship, but I thought that Daniel was a really sweet vampire who had just the right sexiness to suit Olivia’s darkest desires. While I really enjoyed the banter between Daniel and Olivia, that was the only thing keeping me reading. And sometimes Olivia was a little too dominant for my tastes. Let the man seduce, woman!
When Herald Angels Sing – Caridad Pineiro – 2 stars
There’s some resemblance to A Christmas Carol where Angelina takes Daniel back into the past. I’m not quite sure I liked this aspect of the story so much. In theory, it sounds like a lot of fun. But I much preferred the parts where they were just in the present.
Whereas in the other novellas, I liked the story better than the characters, in Where Herald Angels Sing, I liked the characters more than the story. What I did like about this story was Caridad’s writing style. I liked the overall tone she evoked and she describes things very eloquently. I hope to give this author another shot.
All I Want For Christmas –Alexis Morgan – 3.5 stars
While I was more of an Eagan before starting it story, I definitely wished December were here by the time I finished. Christmas t-shirts, you ask? Bring it on!
Ok, maybe not.
*ARC provided by Laurie London